We are pleased to announce Immingham as an additional load port up north, apart from the existing Tilbury call, the first vessel making the call witll be the Grand Pearl.
Please find revised schedule with both ports:-
Vessel: Grand Pearl
Estimated Time of Arrival Mombasa: 25/09/2014
Estimated Time of Arrival Dar Es Salaam: 23/09/2014
Tilbury Port:
Receiving from: 11/08/2014
Bookings Close: 27/08/2014 AT 16:00 HRS
Vessel Closing: Strictly 28/08/2014 AT 10:00 HRS
Estimated Time of Sailing Tilbury: 30/08/2014
Immingham Port:
Receiving from: TBC
Bookings Close: 27/08/2014 AT 16:00 HRS
Vessel Closing: Strictly 28/08/2014 AT 10:00 HRS
Estimated Time of Sailing Immingham: 01/09/2014
If you require any further information or clarification on this, please email sales@auto-kenya.com
Once again, we thank you for your support
Kind Regards